Good afternoon dear friends. Today I want to tell you about the Betex project.
So what is Betex?

Betex is a new platform for binary options that works on blocking and smart contracts and P2P, for this is completely transparent.
To earn on binary options it is possible if you can predict in which direction the course of coins will go. For this you can use technical analysis, as well as news on the world of finance, which fully affect the price direction indicators in the chart. The deal can be exhibited from a few seconds to months.
Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use binary options for earnings. It attracts people that they are easy to learn, rather than trading on large exchanges and the risks here are completely different. Because of this great popularity of binary options, scammers began to appear on the market, who want to cash in on ordinary people. Sometimes their terminals work with delays, and the schedule on the platform may not correspond to the real situation of the market.
This is why the Betex platform appears on the market, which will end swindle on such trading platforms thanks to P2P and blocking.
An entirely new business model and the relationship of traders with the platform was developed. On the Betex platform, traders make bets only against each other, to raise or lower, and there is no middleman between them as on a normal platform. Thanks to the system, the platform provides data to all users in the public domain, all can check all.
Thus, the auctions are fair, without any intervention from outside. The main task for Betex will be to enter the world market and gain confidence in its platform.
Trust in binary markets is falling, so in this environment innovations are needed and that is Betex.

The business model of the company, which is based on P2P technology, is undoubtedly the best solution for a binary market, especially at a time when confidence in them is increasingly falling. Lidi gradually get used to the fact that the world becomes transparent, honest and open, the world now will now serve not a handful of rich people, but all people on earth. Therefore, the business must be honest and open in order to win people's trust. And those who will not be rebuilt for a fast-growing and developing world will simply be forgotten and disappear as it became with many companies.
And on this I have all dear friends. More information about the platform you can read by clicking on the links in the description. Until next time.
Website: https://betexlab.com/
White Paper: https://betexlab.com/betex-wp.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Betex-Lab-108138139938618/?ref=br_rs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/betex_tokens
Telegrams: https://t.me/betex_ico
by : daisuki hardjo
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