Debitum Network - Unlimited Small Business Financing
Debitum Network

What is Debitum?
DEBITUM NETWORK is a distributed ecosystem consisting of various partners ranging from small to medium enterprises (SMEs), insurance companies / insurance companies, loan sharks, to large investors and financial companies. Debitum Network partners can transact between partners and third parties using Debitum Token.
The original goal of DEBITUM NETWORK is a strong belief in a decentralized economy and a crypto community. The strong beliefs and beliefs aim to create a new pillar of global financial business. Therefore, we need the participation of as many people in the crypto community as possible.
Problems to be Completed
· Global Credit Difference
Sourced from the World Bank's review, about 70% of small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have difficulty in obtaining loans or credit markets. At the same time, the potential of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is the most promising for the public and investors share owners. Among industry experts, small and medium enterprises are categorized as a world problem to be resolved. The total turnover of the SME world reaches half of gross domestic product income in developing countries.

Alternative Finance Company
The bank does the trick "cherry picking" or is very cautious and mostly works by taking the smallest risks and big profits to get the risk of recil from the traditional financial industry. And local banks are also a victim of centralization. For example, 30 years ago in 1984 there were 14400 commercial banks in the USA; however, now only 4982 banks remain. This is an example of financial centralization, making banks more difficult to serve small businesses or local companies. In small to medium-sized companies, finances are usually handled by business owners, not financial professionals. Good financial management is rarely the main force of SMEs. In fact, getting external sources of financial support includes rare fields.
Decentralization Using Blockchain
Decentralization with blockchain can provide guaranteed transparency and confidence, working on a job process automatically using smart contracts and natural decentralization allows exponential member growth based on the blockchain user itself

Three Main Pillars of Debitum Network
Debitum Network has three main pillars to maintain stability, and ecosystem security that leads to the success of reducing global credit.
True Decentralization
There are 154 countries acted by the World Bank where there are credit differences and where there are solutions such as Debitum Network that can help close the gap by providing counterproductive ecosystems and global investor relationships. However, it says that the Debitum Network team will only run in 154 countries and give the ecosystem to market is a mistake.

Hybrid - Connect Crypto with fiat
Importantly, crypto is not known as the traditional currency in most countries (excluding Japan) and most cryptocurances are highly unstable, the majority of borrowers and investors in the near to medium term prefer to take the loan principal and prefer paying by way of legacy - through fiat payments.
Basic Trust
Combining fiat operations with a highly trusted and efficient blockchain-based financial process Debitium Network will ensure high interest from SMEs and investors.
Debitum Token
Value Exchange
As the only valid payment tool in the Debitum Network ecosystem.
All service providers must "freeze" a number of Debitum Tokens as warranties for execution of future services through the Trust Arbitrage mechanism
The sum of all entries equals the sum of all outputs. However, the time between input and output is a crucial factor that directly affects the stability of the token and the price will rise if the token request rises.
Token Distribution
Here is the distribution chart of the Debitum token

For more information :
Debitum Network Official Website
Debitum Network Official Whitepaper
by : daisuki
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